Help - SwissPost

Current disruptions

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Alternative courses of action in the event of service failures

Are you encountering problems accessing the online service or are there disruptions? In this section, you can find alternative courses of action.


Accompanying documents for international letters

alternative action for this function
The accompanying documents can be obtained from post offices and filled in manually.

Address maintenance online

alternative action for this function
There is currently no alternative available for the “Address maintenance online” service. For all queries, please contact our customer service on +41 58 386 67 67, or by e-mail at: (from Monday to Friday 8 a.m. – 12 noon, and 1.30 p.m. – 5 p.m.).


Calculate prices and Calculate Standard prices

alternative action for this function
Unfortunately no alternative is currently available for this function.

Collect domestic parcels for return

alternative action for this function
Unfortunately no alternative is currently available for this function.

Cost manager

alternative action for this function
Unfortunately no alternative is currently available for this function.

Create PP impression

alternative action for this function
Unfortunately no alternative is currently available for this function.

Create waybill (on account)

alternative action for this function
Postpone less urgent items to the following day, if possible.
Alternatively, the “Create waybill (payment in cash)” online service can be used. In this case, you cannot pay by invoice.

Create waybill (payment in cash)

alternative action for this function
Unfortunately no alternative is currently available for this function.


Dispatch list for newspapers

alternative action for this function
Please complete the following form and hand it over to Swiss Post together with the consignments: form no. 268.01

Domestic express shipping labels

alternative action for this function
Postpone less urgent items to the following day, if possible. Label urgent items with reserve barcodes. If there are no reserve barcodes available, hand over to the nearest Swiss Post acceptance point. The system disruption must be communicated to Swiss Post staff when handing over the item so that the additional fee usually payable is not charged.
For services that include mandatory data submission (e.g. cash on delivery), the preparation of labels, and hence the dispatch, must be postponed.
If the items are labelled by a post office or distribution base, a search for these items may only be carried out using the public consignment tracking service (i.e. there are no signature or parcel images available).

Domestic letter franking

alternative action for this function
Postpone less urgent items to the following day, if possible. Label urgent items with reserve barcodes. If there are no reserve barcodes available, hand over to the nearest Swiss Post acceptance point. The system disruption must be communicated to Swiss Post staff when handing over the item so that the additional fee usually payable is not charged. If you require a “DataTransfer delivery note” for your items, this can be requested and filled out at the post office counter.
For services that include mandatory data submission (e.g. cash on delivery), the preparation of labels, and hence the dispatch, must be postponed.
If the items are labelled by a post office or distribution base, a search for these items may only be carried out using the public consignment tracking service (i.e. there are no signature or letter images available).

Domestic parcels shipping labels

alternative action for this function

Private customers
Postpone less urgent items to the following day, if possible. Drop off urgent consignments at your nearest Swiss Post acceptance point.

Business customers
Postpone less urgent items to the following day, if possible. Label urgent items with reserve barcodes. If there are no reserve barcodes available, hand over to the nearest Swiss Post acceptance point.
For services that include mandatory data submission (e.g. Evening delivery), the preparation of labels, and hence the dispatch, must be postponed.
If the items are labelled by a post office or distribution base, a search for these items may only be carried out using the public consignment tracking service (i.e. there are no signature or parcel images available).



alternative action for this function
Unfortunately no alternative is currently available for this function.

Edit collection note

alternative action for this function
If there is an interruption to EL-WEP, please contact Swiss Post Customer Service to place your order. Orders made via Customer Service generally cost CHF 3, but are billed only in combination with services that are subject to a charge. If there is an interruption to EL-WEP, the customer can choose to waive the charge for phone orders.

Express forwarding order

alternative action for this function
You can request your preferred service at your post office.



alternative action for this function
Unfortunately no alternative is currently available for this function.

International information

alternative action for this function
The “Premium prices and information by country” online service also works without a login, but will not include any individual price information when accessed in this way.

Issue delivery authorization

alternative action for this function
Unfortunately no alternative is currently available for this function.


Letters dispatch list

alternative action for this function
Please complete the following forms and hand them over to Swiss Post together with the consignments:
For domestic and international consignments -> Emergency mailing list addressed letter mail
For DataTransfer and partial deliveries -> Substitute receipt

Locations and opening hours

alternative action for this function
Unfortunately no alternative is currently available for this function.

Login Customer Center

alternative action for this function
Unfortunately no alternative is currently available for this function.


Mailing guide

alternative action for this function
Unfortunately no alternative is currently available for Mailing Guide. Information, tips and check lists for direct marketing can be found at

Manage authorizations

alternative action for this function
You can request your preferred service at your post office.

Manage P.O. Box

alternative action for this function
You can request your preferred service at your post office.

Manage sub-address

alternative action for this function
You can request your preferred service at your post office.

My consignments

alternative action for this function
Unfortunately no alternative is currently available for this function.


Order barcodes & shipping labels

alternative action for this function
You can request your preferred service at your post office.

Order collection

alternative action for this function
Please order the collection by calling 0800 825 800.

Order Dispoboxes

alternative action for this function
Please contact Swiss Post Customer Service.

Order empty containers

alternative action for this function
Unfortunately no alternative is currently available for this function. In urgent cases or for any queries, please contact the LGBS hotline (e-mail: / tel.: 058 386 54 74).

Order forms & brochures (DocuCenter)

alternative action for this function
You can request your preferred service at your post office.

Order GEO data

alternative action for this function
Unfortunately no alternative is currently available for this function.



alternative action for this function
Unfortunately no alternative is currently available for this function.

PickPost and My Post 24

alternative action for this function
Unfortunately no alternative is currently available for this function.

PostCard Creator

alternative action for this function
Unfortunately no alternative is currently available for this function.
We would be more than happy to answer any questions about our service
Post CH Ltd
Customer Service
Wankdorfallee 4
3030 Berne
0848 000 025

alternative action for this function
Unfortunately no alternative is currently available for this function.

PromoPost Manager

alternative action for this function
PromoPost Manager is currently unavailable. Household figures can be accessed or prices calculated with PromoPost Quick Calculator ( Distribution lists created with Quick Calculator can be exported using the Excel icon. Once PromoPost Manager is available again, the distribution list can be imported into an order. For urgent orders or any queries, please contact your customer advisor or Swiss Post Customer Service (tel.: 0848 888 888).

PromoPost Quick Calculator

alternative action for this function
Unfortunately no alternative is currently available for this function.

Purchase SuisseID

alternative action for this function
Unfortunately no alternative is currently available for this function.


Receive consignments

alternative action for this function
Unfortunately no alternative is currently available for this function. Alternatively, you can scan the items, record them in an Excel table and upload them to “Receive consignments” at a later stage.

Is the “Consignment No.” column empty? Then continue working as normal with “Scanning upon receipt”. The missing data will automatically be added during a subsequent delivery. Important: Do not execute the “Close and archive consignments” function until the missing data has been added.

Request special delivery

alternative action for this function
Please ask for a special delivery by calling 0800 825 800.


Search for postcode

alternative action for this function
Alternatively, you can obtain information from Customer Service or your nearest post office (link to location search). You can also search online using the postcode and/or place name.


alternative action for this function
Unfortunately no alternative is currently available for this function.

Send advance notice of letter mail

alternative action for this function
Please use the following form to declare OnTime Mail consignments: Information on acceptance points can be found at

Shipping documents for GLS parcels

alternative action for this function
Postpone less urgent items to the following day, if possible. For urgent items, please call our Customer Service on 0848 858 686.


Temporary forwarding

alternative action for this function
You can request your preferred service at your post office.

Track consignments

alternative action for this function
Use the “Track consignments” public access to search for your consignment numbers: Otherwise, please try again later. For urgent queries, please contact Customer Service (tel.: 0848 888 888).

Transmit shipping data (DataTransfer)

alternative action for this function
Consignments can be processed as usual if DataTransfer malfunctions. The data is transferred by the customer to Swiss Post as normal, where it is further processed internally until the disruption has been resolved. The DataTransfer reports are also sent. Notification services should not be used, however, as the corresponding data will not be transferred on time and cannot be executed by Swiss Post. New PickPost registrations cannot be processed and identified by the PickPost point. PickPost should thus be deactivated in the sender’s online shop during the interruption.


View franking system account

alternative action for this function
Please contact the IFS Hotline on 0800 850 300.

View invoices

alternative action for this function
Unfortunately no alternative is currently available for this function.

View logistics key figures

alternative action for this function
Unfortunately no alternative is currently available for this function.

View processing statement

alternative action for this function
Unfortunately no alternative is currently available for “View parcel statistics”.


web service “Barcode”

alternative action for this function
Postpone less urgent items to the following day, if possible. Label urgent items with reserve barcodes. If there are no reserve barcodes available, hand over to the nearest Swiss Post acceptance point. The system disruption must be communicated to Swiss Post staff when handing over the item so that the additional fee usually payable is not charged.
If the “Barcode” web service fails, no BLN consignments can be sent. The relevant data cannot be sent to Swiss Post and the payment collected thus cannot be assigned to the sender.

If the items are labelled by a post office or distribution base, a search for these items may only be carried out using the public consignment tracking service (i.e. there are no signature or parcel/letter images available). Furthermore, only the first and last barcode number are available. As a result, these items cannot be linked with the orders in the customer’s own system.

web service “My Post 24 / PickPost”

alternative action for this function
During an interruption to the “My Post 24 / PickPost” web service or DataTransfer, no new PickPost registrations can be processed and identified by the PickPost point. PickPost should thus be deactivated in the sender’s online shop during the interruption.

web service “Track consignments”

alternative action for this function
You can activate a message and refer your customers to


alternative action for this function
You can request your preferred service at your post office.